Schlep Your Shit
When New York announced that its plastic bag ban was going into effect on March 1, 2020, we sprang into action devising our very own passion project Schlep Your Shit NY to drive awareness to the bag waste reduction law.
Schlep Your Shit NY was created in response to criticism that the upcoming plastic bag ban would a real inconvenience for New Yorkers. But contrary to popular belief, humanity doesn’t have to go to ridiculous lengths to schlep their shit—a regular clean tote bag will do.
Schlep Your Shit
When New York announced that its plastic bag ban was going into effect on March 1, 2020, we sprang into action devising our very own passion project Schlep Your Shit NY to drive awareness to the bag waste reduction law.
Schlep Your Shit NY was created in response to criticism that the upcoming plastic bag ban would a real inconvenience for New Yorkers. But contrary to popular belief, humanity doesn’t have to go to ridiculous lengths to schlep their shit—a regular clean tote bag will do.